Health Tips for Raising an Autistic Child Your autistic child is different from other children and has different needs including health. But they are still a child and children need to play, feel secure and be able to explore. Raising an autistic person is a special challenge for parents because this child is different! It means everything in the world to you to know that they can have good experiences and avoid health concerns like vitamin deficiencies. Right now I am going to share a little bit with you about the health of autistic people and how your child can be live a healthy and happy life. Exercise
Does your child ever lock themselves into a strange position and just stay that way for hours? That is unhealthy because it is known to give them low circulation. If you are trying to find a way for them to get safe exercise then there are many healthy ways. A trampoline, a swing set or a swimming pool are fun hands-on activities any kid will love.
DMG supplement DMG is a safe supplement that consists of an amino acid that is naturally produced by our bodies in small amounts. It is found is grains and meats and has been proven to provide a lot of benefits to the body. DMG or dimethylglycine is a supplement for better brain functioning like focusing on tasks, speaking and short term memory. DMG does not have any known side effects. This is an amazing breakthrough because DMG is shown to help children taking this aminoacidto talk!Since many autistic people are mostly non verbal or have difficulty remembering how to say words, this is great news! Changing their diet Your child might be addicted to eating sugar and empty carbohydrates like many kids are, today. Eating this kind of food is bad for anyone but for people who need extra protein in their diets, this is worse. I have heard quite a few cases of kids on the autism spectrum having sugar addictions even though the sugar turns them into “zombies”. Replacing protein with unhealthy foods is not something their body is designed to tolerate well. Other conditions like epilepsy and diabetes are perpetuated by not eating enough protein. Having some nuts and seeds on hand will encourage your child to eat more protein. Healthy and fun foods!
Just a few changes to a traditional recipe can make the food new to the child with textural sensitivities. To replace sugary treats, fruit juice based treats and dried fruits are sure to be popular. Healthy “candies” like fruit based gummies and popsicles have no added sugar but they still have the kid-friendly taste.
Learn yoga together Get some yoga balls to start-make sure your child picks out their favorite color This is so much fun and gives you and your son or daughter some structured activity together. Yoga helps calm the mind and detoxify the body. Start with the easiest poses and stretches. This helps the child to gain confidence in their physical strength and gain body awareness. A common symptom of autism is a lack of body awareness, causing lack of coordination. Yoga will give your child more coordination and balance. You will like this arrangement because it inspires you to work out! Go for a walk Getting excess energy out of your system can be best achieved with a nice, long walk. The best times to walk are in the morning or after 3 pm when the sun is not at its hottest. Your son or daughter who likes to repeat routines will get used to taking long walks every day and enjoy the regularity of it. Creating routines with anything new will make it seem comforting and natural. Walking and sunlight both release endorphins, increasing well-being. If sunlight sensitivity bothers your child, morning walks are the best time to go. Exercise does not have to be difficult or that complicated as long as it happens every day. Check for vitamin deficiencies Your child might have more vitamin deficiencies than other kids. Right now a lot of vitamin deficiencies are being linked with autism. Some of these vitamins are vitamin D, iron and vitamin B12. One of the causes for nutritional deficiencies in autism is the allergy to gluten which depletes the body of protein and keeps it from absorbing vitamins. Eliminate gluten completely for a few months to tell if it makes a difference. When you don’t have enough of a vital nutrient in your body, it creates real problems. Children on the spectrum who grind their teeth at night could need more calcium, magnesium and other minerals. Grow a garden together!
Anything that engages the senses positively and connects your child to nature will foster feelings of peace and acceptance. Raising your child to be a well rounded person means encouraging them to learn new things and be themselves.
Parents of autistic children face the challenge of not always knowing if the child can be self sufficient. Teaching them life skills from an early age will redefine what that means to them-and you. Having an autistic child in your life is a blessing-there are new training programs and social events for families and children with autism. Getting involved with a support group in your area gives you access to health advice from parents dealing with similar things. Other parents have to document their experiences as well and this gives you more insight into your own experiences. One thing most autistic parents will tell you is that having autistic children take patience because you don’t always know what to expect-but it’s worth it! |